Felixstowe Nursery

Ambulance Hall, Ataka Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9DH

07905 504005

Mon - Fri: 8:45 - 3:45

Action Plan Covid-19

Welcome to Felixstowe Nursery School

Where little people create big things. 

Action Plan Covid-19 14/04/2021

Government Guidelines

The government accept that children of early year’s age are unable to stay 2metres apart so to minimise risk of infection we will do the following

  • No child/staff should enter setting if they or anyone in their household is displaying symptoms of Covid-19
  • Avoid contact with anyone with symptoms
  • Frequent handwashing and good respiratory hygiene
  • Regular cleaning of the setting
  • Minimise contact and mixing
  • Maximising use of outdoor area

Our staff ratio will stay the same, and we would still have at least one member of the senior leadership team and one member of staff with a current paediatric first aid certificate.

We will prioritise the older cohort (those starting school in September 2020) followed by the next cohort (starting school in September 2021) followed by the third cohort (those starting school September 2022).


The Early years Foundation Stage sets the standards that schools and childcare settings must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. We will endeavour to deliver the learning and development requirements as far as possible in the current circumstances, as set out here.


Felixstowe Nursery School indoor Gallery 10
Felixstowe Nursery School indoor Gallery 18

Planning and Organising

We will refresh our risk assessment and Health and safety advice for staff and children. We will also update our sickness policy to include Covid-19

All children and staff will be part of one bubble.

The lunch/ snack area which will be cleaned thoroughly between groups of children.

We will exercise our best judgement to ensure the highest standards of safety are maintained.

Snack times and lunch times will be staggered to ensure cleaning between groups.

We will ask groups of children to be dropped off and picked up at different times.

When waiting outside you must not gather at the entrance but stand 2metres apart in family groups if possible the same parent to drop off and pick up and only one parent/adult.

Dropping off – when your turn drop child with adult at the door, child to use hand sanitiser on entry, only send the bare minimum no toys or books to come into setting.

Picking up – when your turn come to door your child will be brought to you with their belongings, we will not send any pictures home over this time.

Consider how you will travel to nursery if possible do not use public transport.

Between sessions, we will disinfect all toys, chairs, tables and equipment and a deep clean at the end of the day.

We will not have soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean out to minimise the risk of contamination.

We will only have minimal chairs and tables out to lessen the cleaning.

The nursery was deep cleaned at the end of each day.


We will use disinfectant after someone with suspected coronavirus has left the setting which will reduce the risk of passing on the infection.

Adults will wear disposable gloves and apron for cleaning, the rubbish will be double bagged and stored for 72 hours before being disposed of in normal rubbish.

If an area is heavily contaminated, bodily fluids etc, the adult will use protection for eyes, mouth and nose, gloves and apron.

We will ensure that handwashing facilities will be available at all times and if not hand sanitiser.

Surfaces that are touched by children such as toys, books, desks, chairs, sinks, toilets and light switches will be cleaned more regularly than normal, between sessions and at end of the day.

All adults and children will be encouraged to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and dry hands thoroughly with paper towels.

Hands will be cleaned on arrival, before and after eating and after sneezing /touching face.

Children will be encouraged not to touch mouth, eyes and nose, to use a tissue or elbow to cough and sneeze in to and to dispose of tissue in the bin.

We will support those who need help with caring for themselves.

The bins will be emptied regularly during the day.

We will leave the windows open for ventilation and doors will be propped open to limit use of door handles.

We will buy supplies of soap, hand sanitiser, paper towels, and disinfectant.

You should change your child’s clothes when they return from the nursery and wash daily.

Reducing mixing in setting

We will access rooms directly from outside leaving doors open.

We will divide the corridor, so children do not mix when going for lunch and snack.

Snacks and lunches will be staggered.


We will use our outside area as much as possible as this will limit transmission and easier to distance staff and children.

The outdoor equipment will be cleaned between sessions and at the end of the day.

Use of PPE

It is not recommended that children or staff where PPE in early years setting. It would only be used for the following reasons-

    • For a child whose care routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs, this should continue in the same way.
    • If a child becomes unwell in setting and a social distance of 2metres cannot be maintained.


What happens if someone becomes unwell at setting?

If a child becomes unwell with a persistent cough or high temperature while in setting we will phone a parent to come and collect the child.

While the child is waiting, they will be taken to the office where they can be isolated from the other children and adults, just staying with one adult. The door will be closed and windows will be opened. If they need the toilet while waiting we will use the disabled toilet, which will be disinfected before being used again.

Mask, gloves and apron will be used by an adult supporting  the child if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained.

In an emergency call 999 if symptoms are serious.

The adult that has supported child does not need to go home unless they show symptoms themselves, they can then be tested or the child tests positive. They should wash their hands for 20 seconds after contact with someone who is unwell, and then clean the area with normal household disinfectant.

What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the setting?

If a child/adult develops symptoms they should be sent home to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 10 days. All staff and children in the setting will have access to testing.

If tested negative they can return to the setting and the household can end their self-isolation.

If a child/adult tests positive the rest of their group within the setting should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 10 days. Other members of their household do not need to self-isolate unless this child/staff develops symptoms.

If a child/adult tests positive the whole setting will close for 10 days while it is deep cleaned and the rest of the group isolate.

If more cases are detected in the cohort or wider setting, the Public Health protection team will conduct a rapid investigation and advice setting on what action to take.

Children and adults will be eligible for testing 111 online coronavirus services.

Shielded and clinically vulnerable children and young people

For most children coronavirus is a mild illness. Children who have been classed as clinically extreme vulnerable due to pre-existing medical conditions have been advised to shield. These children should not attend any Early Years setting.

Living with a Shielded and clinically vulnerable adult

If a child or member of staff lives with someone who is extremely clinically vulnerable, it is advised that they do not attend the setting.

Risk Assessment and staffing

All settings will need a risk assessment before opening, to assess the direct risks associated with Covid-19, so that sensible measures can be put in place to control those risks for children/staff. All staff will be consulted on health and safety and be made aware of the risks in our setting. The Senior leadership team will be conscious of the wellbeing of the staff and the need to implement flexible working practices in a way that promotes good work-life balance. Access to testing for staff is available to all essential workers these can be booked through an online digital portal.

Enrich your child's life today.


Ambulance Hall, Ataka Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9DH


07905 504005

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